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Gridley Park
Cerritos, CA

Pokéstops at this park. 2
Gyms at this park. 2
Clustered Stops
Accessible from one location. 1
Clustered Gyms
Accessible from one location. 1
Stops + Gyms per acre. 0.40

Nests Discovered Here.

Would you like to report a Spawn Rate for this park? Report Spawn Rate
Sudowoodo Nest
1 Confirmation
16 days ago by @MichorizoXD
Lotad Nest
1 Confirmation
August 16, 2024 by @yogo540
Buneary Nest
1 Confirmation
August 10, 2024 by @SireKino

Is a nest incorrect? Simply report the correct nest and it will overwrite the current nest. Report a nest here.

PokéStops & Gyms

Pokéstops at this park. 2
Gyms at this park. 2
Clustered Stops
Accessible from one location. 1
Clustered Gyms
Accessible from one location. 1
Stops + Gyms per acre. 0.40

Trainer, do you have more info on this park? If you have additional info, or if our stats have become outdated, you can contribute info below.

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Park Last Updated: Aug 10, 2024 at 12:31 AM

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Park images are copyright of their respective owners. Sourced from Google Places, the City Parks & Rec, CA State Parks, the local County, or have been provided by local trainers.

PokéStops and Gyms that may be outside of this park, but are reachable from within the park, are included in the stats.