Nests allow you to play like it's Community Day, Everyday.
Nests in Pokémon Go are geographical areas with set boundaries such as local parks, where a specific Pokémon species spawns at a significantly higher rate than it normally would.
Here's a video from PokeDaxi explaining Nests.
Nests Rotate Every 2 Weeks.
Every 2nd Wednesday at 5PM Pacific Time.
Nests will last for a period of 2 weeks unless a forced migration occurs*, which happens when new Pokémon are introduced into the game. *Example: A nest was Shroomish for 8 days, and new Pokémon then became introduced into the game. The Shroomish nest will be forced to migrate to a different species for the remainder of the cycle which in this case, would be the remaining 6 days.How are Nests useful?

Candy & Candy XL
Grind candy and stock up on Candy XL for top meta relevant Pokémon to power up for PVE Raid Battles or the PVP Go Battle League.
- Top Raid Attackers Nesting: Mudkip, Swinub, Machop, Gastly, Electabuzz, and more.
- Top PVP Meta Pokémon Nesting: Noctowl, Onix, Chinchou, Marill, Sableye, and more.

Shiny Hunting
With a higher rate of spawns, you have a greater chance of encountering a shiny. Pick and choose your next shiny hunt adventure!
- Shiny Boosted Nests:
1/64 Permaboosted Pokémon available through nests include Onix, Lickitung, Skarmory, Scyther, Pineco, and more.

Boosted Stardust
Nests are a great way to stock up on Stardust especially during boosted stardust events. Many Pokémon available through nests award extra stardust. To name a few:
- Meowth, Foongus, and Shroomish Nests
500 Stardust per catch. - Sableye Nests
750 Stardust per catch. - Shellder Nests
1000 Stardust per catch. - Audino Nests
2100 Stardust per catch.
What Pokémon Can Nest?
The Nest Pool is constantly growing.
Here are the current known species that nest.

How do you identify a Nest?

Find nests in parks / green zones.
Nests appear in most if not ALL parks. Nestable areas will appear a darker green on the Pokémon Go map in-game.
More frequent encounters
A Nest can be identified by a certain species of Pokémon that is spawning a lot more than usual in a given area.
Pokémon is outside of usual spawn pool.
The giveaway at times may be encountering a large amount of a Pokémon species that is not in the current spawn pool during an event for example.
Easier to discover in larger parks.
The Nesting Species is always easiest to identify at larger parks where they are likely to spawn more often and in larger clusters.Set off on your journey, Trainer!
Have you stumbled upon a nest?
Let us know and we'll share it with the local trainer community!Report a Nest!
Browse all Nest Discoveries.
Ready for an adventure? Browse nests that other fellow trainers have discovered nearby.View All Nests